The Liebster Award

Well hey there!

I'm very excited to announce that I have been nominated by three beautiful bloggers for the Liebster award, NiaEllie and Nicole thank you girls! The Liebster award is a completely new concept to me as I'm relatively new to blogging and think it's such a great idea, especially for giving more recognition to newer blogs. Liebster is a German word that means dearest or valued or lovely but has a few other means all fairly related.
Here are a quick set of rules:-

  • Mention the person who nominated you with a link in their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated you
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers
  • Create a new set of 11 questions for you nominees to answer
Nia's Questions

1. If you won $50 million in the lottery what would you do with it?
Do experiences like sky diving or storm chasing 
2. If you had to work for a fashion house which would it be?
 Chanel all the way
3. Who are your inspirations?
 My mum & my grandma (although I call her Nain)
4. Favourite memory from 2013?
Having an amazing summer and watching One Direction live
5. What's your favourite food?
Italian food or noodles
6. Celebrity crush?
Leonardo DiCaprio
7. Biggest fear?
Spiders!! (or on a deeper note) not being able to achieve what I want in life
8. Favourite perfume?
Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel or Daisy by Marc Jacobs
9. Describe yourself in 4 words
Creative, Kind, Weird, Driven
10. List any books that changed your life
hmm probably 'Before I Die' by Jenny Downham 
11. List 5 blogs your reading at the moment

Ellie's Questions
1: what do you love about blogging
being able to write what i want and being nosey and seeing other peoples opinions
2: why did you choose to blog?
it was a chance for me to write about things i love and i love to write
3: favourite blogs?
Amy Valentine and CoutureGirl
4: 1 product or fashion item you couldnt live without?
this is too difficult! maybe my leather jacket or pj bottoms
5: a new years resolution?
blog more, less chocolate
6: favourite movie?
i love any kind of movie, can't choose one
7: favourite style icon?
Kylie Jenner & Emma Watson
8: if you had to switch bodies with someone for a day who would it be?
9: favourite youtuber?
beautycrush & Jacksgap
10: what do you hope to achieve with your blog in 2014?
improve my blog and continue writing about beauty fashion and small bits of my life
11: favourite brand?

Nicole's Questions
1. What inspired you to start blogging?
How much I love to write and this is the perfect platform to write anything I want
2. What is your dream career?
3. What is your favorite makeup brand?
Who is your fashion icon?
Kylie Jenner & Vanessa Hudgens
4. What is your favorite trend at the moment? 
Not sure if it's a trend but I love wearing it and that's monochrome
5. What is the best book you've ever read?
Before I Die by Jenny Downham
6. Twitter or Instagram?
I can't live without either
7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Greece or Portland
8. What is your favorite quote?
'Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow' -  James Dean
9. Do you collect anything?
Vogue and nail varnishes
10. Who is your celebrity crush?
Leonardo DiCaprio
11. Favorite online clothing store?

My Nominations

My Questions for My Nominees

  1. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  2. Biggest fear?
  3. What inspires you? 
  4. Favourite high street clothing store?
  5. Lazy days or nights out?
  6. Books that you couldn't put down?
  7. If you could relive any moment of your life, which would it be?
  8. Favourite blog?
  9. If you were stranded on a desert island, what 5 things would you bring with you?
  10. Favourite style icons?
  11. All time favourite dessert?

Apologies for the white bars, can't seem to get rid of them but thanks for the nominations and good luck to everyone:-)


  1. daisy by marc .j is one of my fave scents! xx

    1. it's lovely isn't it:-)
      thanks for the nomination again, you would have been at the top of my nominees list if you haven't already done it:-) xx

    2. awww thank you doll! the thought counts anyway in my book! can't wait for your new posts xx

  2. Hey! I love your blog and your posts are so so good!
    I'm a new blogger and i'd love it if you could check out my blog and maybe give it a follow? :) x

    1. hey there! thank you so much:-)
      your blog looks lovely, and i've just followed you too:-) x

  3. I've actually already done this but thank you very much for the nomination! x

    1. oh no worries, you really deserved the nomination though:-) x

  4. Hello I'm new to the world of blogging and I was wondering whether maybe you could check my blog out? It may not be your cup of tea but I am planning on doing some more fashion and beauty related posts as I literally have like 1 post! I think I've followed you? But let me know in case I haven't done it right or whatever, and your blog is fab by the way;-)


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