My 2014 Wish List

Well hey there!

So I've been a little late with putting this up since we're almost half way through January now, but I've thought long and hard and finally decided on things I really want and can realistically afford over this year. These are the things I want to buy and do with my own money before the year is up, but I know all this will only happen with some strict saving, which unfortunately I am terrible at:-( Any who, here they are.

Canon EOS 1000d SLR Camera
I've always wanted a Canon camera and this year is the year I will splurge out and get one.This year I'm going to New York, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean and so with all the travelling I want to document and photograph all the things I'll see with a proper camera, not just my iPhone. So I've decided on the 1000d instead of the typical and very popular 600d because I'm definitely a beginner when it comes to photography plus the 1000d is much cheaper and is perfect for what I want it for.

Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish
What a shocker! This is no surprise to any blogger but I've read so many reviews since starting my blog that have sold me again and again that I feel I am obliged by all beauty bloggers to purchase this god-send. I'm pretty crap when it comes to taking my make-up off to this seems perfect for someone like me.

V Festival
OMG! I'm excited already and the tickets haven't even been released yet. So many people I know went last year and had the best time of their lives that's convinced me and my friends that we need to go and so we're already planning the entire thing.

iPad Mini in White
Not much to say here except I really want this particular iPad since it is small and I can take it anywhere. I think this will come in most handy with all the travelling I have this year and and an iPad is always a great product to have.

Chloe by Chloe Perfume
So this is something I fancied for Christmas but never got round to actually putting it on my list as my list of perfumes was getting near arms length so I think this should be something I should splurge out on for myself, although I find the concept of buying my own perfume a little weird...hmm maybe I could get it for my birthday.

So this is my 2014 wish list and I'm hoping I will be able to resist spending to save up for these products. I would love to hear what products you want to buy this year, so please leave a comment and thanks for reading :-)



  1. i've just been drafting a post like this too! i'm with you on the ipad! & I've never heard of the V festival but I'm googling it thanks to you! xx

    1. no way, i'll take a look when it's published:-)
      V festival is amazing, beyonce was there last year:-0 xx

  2. I have this exact Canon camera it's amazing!!

    Char | Char's Insights

  3. Hi! I'm having a giveaway on my blog. Maybe you want to take part? :)


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