
Showing posts from May, 2016

Dealing With Exam Stress

So that time of the year is slowly creeping in where the pressure of exams is looming. Whether you are in secondary school, or University, exam stress is something every student has in common and something we all have to go through. Now ordinarily in the past I've dealt with exams very maturely and tactically, avoiding all those last minute panics and worries. However, over the years and as I've gotten older I've come realise I certainly haven't gotten any wiser and gotten worse and worse with preparing and stressing over exams. So once again this is one of those posts that is probably more useful to me as a kick in the butt rather than anyone else, but if you happen to stumble across this please let me know if it was useful to you. 1. ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR EXAMS ARE INEVITABLE AND PREPARE EARLY Now this may sound stupid but if you're anything like me then you're very, very last minute with everything, especially important things and convince yoursel...